India Research

For ICT this term we are looking at how to find information safely from the internet. Use these links to help you research your topic ready for your powerpoint presentation.

ICT in Morpurgo class

For your ICT research this week have a look at some of these websites and see if they will help you to locate information for your Powerpoint presentation about India:

Create a storyboard for this weeks BIG WRITE

This week for our BIG WRITE we are using the greek hero Hercules as our main character. We must write a story about Hercules, creating our own setting and the journey or quest he could go on. During his journey he must face a problem – this could be in the form of a monster or finding something powerful that has been hidden.

Some suggestions for the journey might be:

To find the missing Power Diamond which has been stolen by Medusa.

Hercules family has been kidnapped by the Kraken and he must save them.

The Gods on Mount Olympus want Hercules to be one of their Gods but first he must prove he is clever enough by solving a magical dragon’s riddles and rhymes.

Use to help you.

Lets go fly a kite and send it soaring!

Yesterday we had an art afternoon using our Art and Design Technology skills to make kites which we then got to fly on the field. Fortunately the weather was brilliant for kite flying and even if I do say so myself I thought Year 3 kites were definitely the best.

For the afternoon year 3 were mixed up as this allowed us to work with new children and forge new friendships. First we designed our kites using a Banksy picture as our inspiration and then I showed the children how to construct their own kite from carrier bags, string and BBQ sticks (with the points take off of course).

IMG_1379 IMG_1381 IMG_1384 IMG_1396 IMG_1397 IMG_1401 IMG_1403 IMG_1411The best bit of course was getting to fly them 🙂

Talk Partners and Maths!

Here in Orangutans class we were recently praised by Mrs Sainsbury for our excellent use of talk partners in our lessons. Talk partners help us by listening to ideas, suggesting improvements and asking us questions to draw out extra information. This allows us to get our thoughts in order before we start writing. In addition we can share ideas and this can help children who are not so good at thinking of new ideas as we are allowed to ‘magpie’ our partners ideas.

Here are some photos of us working with our talk partners.IMG_1352 IMG_1351 IMG_1350

In numeracy this week we have been exploring properties of 3D shapes, some of our class got to make a triangular shaped pyramid before using their model to draw a net of the shape.


Safety Week

Last week in school we had a focus on Staying Safe – as part of this week we looked at: Fire safety, Internet Safety, Railway safety and Road safety.

Here we are sorting out statements as to whether it would be safe to cross some railway lines and how peer pressure can make us do things that we know are wrong.IMG_1354 IMG_1355 IMG_1356

We explored lots of different ways we can stay safe such as exploring why the Great Fire of London started and how buildings have changed to prevent fires from spreading as well as why we have smoke alarms in our own homes to prevent fire.

As part of Road safety we explored how to stay safe whilst riding our bikes by wearing hi-visibility clothing so we can be seen, a helmet to stop us from hurting our heads if we fall off, and having lights on our bikes at night.

Here is one of our children dressed up ready to get on his bike!


E-on Energy Experience

We were lucky enough to be selected by E-on to take part in an Energy experience – you may remember we won the competition to create an advert for E-on last year.

A selection of children got the opportunity to work with E-on learning about energy saving, and used their knowledge to create a play to show their classmates.

They had a fantastic day, had a lot of fun but more importantly learnt lots. Thanks E-on we look forward to having you back in school soon.

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Maths in Orangutans

Recently, we have been learning how to collect and present data, an important skill in both Maths and Science.

Here we are collecting our data in the form of tally charts which we later turned into bar charts, we discovered which was the favourite flavour of ice-cream and also what our favourite sweets are.

We really enjoyed doing our maths in this way – in fact it didn’t really feel like we were learning as we had such a great time:-)

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